Eddie Murphy, the renowned comedian and actor, recently shared insights into his life as a father of ten children, whose ages range from 34 to 5 years old. During an appearance on the Today Show on June 18, the 63-year-old entertainer discussed his upcoming film, Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F, and opened up about his family life.
Murphy, whose children span a broad age range, described his typical Father’s Day as being quite similar to those experienced by any other father. “It’s just my kids coming around,” he noted, emphasizing the normalcy of his family celebrations.
When asked by host Al Roker about his ideal day off, Murphy reminisced about a previous conversation where he mentioned that his perfect day involved being at home with his children nearby. “That means I’m in a nice quiet controlled space,” Murphy explained. “I have a 5-year-old and an 8-year-old, and they make a lot of noise. You need a little space.”
Roker also touched on whether Murphy’s younger children are aware of his iconic status in the entertainment world. Murphy responded with a chuckle, “Not at all. And the older ones don’t care.”
In essence, Murphy’s reflections paint a picture of a devoted father who cherishes the time spent with his children, appreciating the quiet moments and the joy they bring, despite the inevitable noise and chaos of a large family.